Aimcat Question Papers
Drumagog 4 platinum keygen crack 1. CAT 2018 slot 2 question paper. We are preparing solution with answer key and will be available in few days. Expected Cutoffs. Quant Difficult than last year. 99%ile 4 sets attempts 90%ile 3 sets 80%ile 2 sets. Cetking first cut analysis. Verbal – same as last year RC1 5 questions RC2 5 questions RC3 5 questions RC4 5 questions RC5 4.
Coolmanu4u asked, I want to have an advice for one of my friend. He is an engineer with about 6 years of experience in india and abroad. He is about 31 yrs old and want to go for MBA. But his confusion is whether is he too old to go to full time studies? Does age really matter?
This is because, if he join MBA in 2008, and pass out in 2010, may be he is about 35 yrs of age. Any other better suggestions please? Sunil answers, Age is absolutely not an issue.
If your friend has a decent profile (academic + work ex), then he can definitely look at an MBA from a good school and benefit. Nandita asked, Respected sirs, too early to post a question, but I would like to take some advice. I am appearing for CAT 2006. I started preparing from July onwards but have not enrolled my self from any institute for training. Also i have written no formal mock cat, but yes some papers were solved at home. I dont know how i have been doing amongst others, but i get a feel that i am less prepared. Cara instal driver wifi di windows 7.
What is the best time strategy for CAT Sunil answers, 45-45-45 minutes across the three sections and the extra 10 to 15 minutes in the section that will fetch you the maximum marks. Inder asked, I think the last thought you should all keep in mind before going in for CAT is that IIMs are not the end of the world. They are the best, no doubt, but there are many other good institutes too. Just make sure you diversify your risk by appearing for exams like XAT, JMET etc. I got a measly 68%ile in CAT2004 because I got nervous but I got healthy 95%ile plus scores in XAT and nice rank in JMET. Today I am in the second year of my MBA, on an exchange programme in Europe for a period of 3 months.
I already have an attractive high paying job through a PPO and the placement week at my institute, GIM is about to start. So please remember things are beautiful outside the IIMs too! Sai answers, Well said, Inder! This is the kind of spirit that one should have before going in to take CAT on November 19. This kind of thinking helps one have a stress-free CAT, which is a pre-requisite for a great score. And remember folks, there are plenty of equally attractive options presenting themselves to you after the 19 th of this month, so get rid of those creases and the worrying brows. Radha asked, Sir: I am sorry, I was not clear in my question.
In English, I score around 18-20 and in DI/QA around 7/8 and not crossing the cut-off. Then what would be my strategy in time managment?
Also how can I improve on my QA/DI scores though I am revising/analysing tests given these closing days. I am giving only short-duration tests at home in these areas. Grateful for your guidance. Sunil answers, Giving time at length, rather than in bits, would help (40 minutes first and then 10 minutes). But then, you need to be disciplined as you attempt the sections. No mulling or wasting time over questions. And remember -- you do not have to answer all questions in a set.
So, consider giving 45-45-45 minutes across the three sections first. Then spend 10 to 15 minutes on the section that seems to be still in the red. Puneet asked, Sir, i am good at the english section and this my third attempt, as far i hav noticed from the last 2 yrs that DI section is now more based on reasoning than simple data analysis,which is hard to score and i am an average student in math, i hav managed to get 80%tile from the lst 2 yr,wat should my statergy this time for attempting the paper so that i land up somewhere decent. Sunil answers, Perform decently across sections but focus on maximising your total marks to look at the next rung of institutes. Note: Please note that all e-mails sent to are in the public domain unless otherwise specified.