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Gimpel Software PC-lint/FlexeLint Version 7.50 Patches PC-lint for C/C++ 7.50 Patches To determine your current patch level issue the command: lin without arguments (this assumes you are using the batch file as established by install). You will get a banner line that looks something like: PC-lint for C/C++ (NT) Ver. 7.50a, Copyright Gimpel Software 1985-1997 From this you deduce that the patch level is ' a' as this is the letter following ' 7.50'. To update to, say, level ' c' you would download the following files PATCH.EXE LP75-A-B.ZIP LP75-B-C.ZIP The.ZIP files would be unzipped with PKUNZIP producing the files LP75-A-B.RTP and LP75-B-C.RTP. With these files in your lint directory, you would issue the commands: PATCH LP75-A-B.RTP PATCH LP75-B-C.RTP These patches will update all three of your lint executables.
If you have not installed all three executables (which is probably the case), you will get a valid warning from patch that the 'old file' does not exist. The old files referred to should be the executables that you chose to not install. Please note that these patches will not affect the.lnt files which were distributed with PC-lint. If you need updated.lnt files, just download them directly. We hope this service facilitates your use of PC-lint for C/C++.