Kuroko No Basket Season 1 Eng Sub 720p
Selamat Siang! Selamat datang di tempat download anime subtitle indonesia dengan format mp4 3gp 480p 720p lengkap di Animepack kali ini saya Adalbrechta akan membagikan anime Kuroko no Basket Season 1 yang bergenre sport dan comedy. Kebanyakan orang yang telah menonton anime ini sangat menyukai, dan itu membuat saya bertanya-tanya mengapa. Roald dahl the witches movie download. Setelah didorong untuk menonton beberapa kali, saya pikir akan menontonnya dan setelah itu saya menjadi salah satu orang yang terkagum dengan anime ini.
Itu pendapat saya bagaimana dengan kalian. Lebih baik di baca dahulu sinopsis nya dan download link nya di bawah. Kuroko no Basket Season 1 Sinopsis: Kuroko No Basuke tentang adalah pemain basket bernama Kuroko yang memiliki keyakinan sendiri terhadap permainan basket. Ketika SMP, Kuroko tergabung dalam tim basket sekolah, yaitu Basketball Team Teiko Middle School. Tim ini telah memenangkan kejuaraan basket selama 3 musim tidak pernah kalah. Tim ini terdiri dari lima pemain yang disebut-sebut sebagai Generasi of Miracles (Generasi keajaiban).

Watch online and download anime Kuroko no Basket Episode 1 english subbed in high quality. Watch online and download anime Kuroko no Basket Episode 1 english subbed in high quality. Kuroko no Basket (Season 3) Kuroko no Basket: Saikou no Present Desu; MOVIES. Kuroko no Basket Movie 1: Winter Cup Soushuuhen (Kage to Hikari). Nov 05, 2014 Kuroko no Basket Season 1 Complete Episodes 720p Mediafire (黒子のバスケ) Synopsis: Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as 'The Generation of Miracles', and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player.
Namun, ternyata, di balik kesuksesan dari 5 pemain, ada satu lagi pemain yang keberadaannya tidak terlalu terkenal tetapi sangat dihormati oleh 5 pemain. Dan pemain ke 6 adalah Tetsuya Kuroko. Cerita dimulai ketika Taiga Kagami, yang baru saja pulang ke tokyo dari Amerika, pergi ke sekolah tinggi Seirin.
Ia bergabung dengan tim basket Seirin bersama dengan Kuroko. Kagami pertama meremehkan Kuroko karena permainan Kuroko basket biasa-biasa saja. Bahkan keberadaan Kuroko seperti ‘hantu’. Tidak semua orang bisa merasakan kehadirannya. Namun, itu adalah kemampuan Kuroko. Dia bisa melewati lawannya tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain.
Ini anime sport yang sangat seru untuk di tonton saya saranin anime ini. Information Type: TV Episodes: 25 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Oct 6, 2006 to Jul 29, 2007 Premiered: Fall 2006 Broadcast: Unknown Producers: Sunrise, FUNimation EntertainmentL, Mainichi Broadcasting, Bandai EntertainmentL, Sony Music Entertainment Source: Original Genres: Action, Mecha, Military, School, Sci-Fi, Super Power Duration: 24 min. Rating: R – 17+ (violence & profanity) Score: 8.86 Download Kuroko no Basket Subtitle Indonesia • Single Link: • 480p: [] • 720p: [] • Streaming and Download: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Search Anime.
Alternative Titles English: Kuroko’s Basketball Synonyms: Kuroko no Basuke Japanese: 黒子のバスケ Synopsis Teikou Junior High School’s basketball team is crowned champion three years in a row thanks to five outstanding players who, with their breathtaking and unique skills, leave opponents in despair and fans in admiration. However, after graduating, these teammates, known as “The Generation of Miracles,” go their separate ways and now consider each other as rivals. At Seirin High School, two newly recruited freshmen prove that they are not ordinary basketball players: Taiga Kagami, a promising player returning from the US, and Tetsuya Kuroko, a seemingly ordinary student whose lack of presence allows him to move around unnoticed. Although Kuroko is neither athletic nor able to score any points, he was a member of Teikou’s basketball team, where he played as the “Phantom Sixth Man,” who easily passed the ball and assisted his teammates. Kuroko no Basket follows the journey of Seirin’s players as they attempt to become the best Japanese high school team by winning the Interhigh Championship. To reach their goal, they have to cross pathways with several powerful teams, some of which have one of the five players with godlike abilities, whom Kuroko and Taiga make a pact to defeat. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Information Type: TV Episodes: 25 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Apr 8, 2012 to Sep 22, 2012 Premiered: Spring 2012 Broadcast: Sundays at 01:58 (JST) Producers: Bandai Visual, Lantis, Nihon Ad Systems, Mainichi Broadcasting, Banpresto, Shueisha Licensors: None found, add some Studios: Production I.G Source: Manga Genres: Comedy, School, Shounen, Sports Duration: 24 min.