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The orbit of Sedna (red) set against the orbits of outer Solar System objects (Pluto's orbit is purple). This is a list of Solar System objects by greatest aphelion or the greatest distance from the Sun that the orbit takes it. For the purposes of this list, it is implied that the object is orbiting the Sun without the influence of the planets or passing stars. The aphelion can change significantly due to the gravitational influence of planets and other stars. Most of these objects are comets on a calculated path and may not be directly observable. For instance, comet was last seen in 2013 at 24 and continues to fade, making it invisible to all but the most powerful telescopes. The maximum extent of the region in which the Sun's is dominant, the, may extend to 230,000 astronomical units (3.6 light-years) as calculated in the 1960s.
But any comet currently more than about 150,000 (2 ) from the Sun can be considered lost to the. The nearest known star is Proxima Centauri at 271,000 AU which is 4.22 light years, followed by Alpha Centauri at about 4.35 light years away according to NASA. Comets are thought to orbit the Sun at great distances, but then be perturbed by passing stars and the. As they come into or leave the inner Solar System they may have their orbit changed by the planets, or alternatively be ejected from the Solar System. It is also possible they may collide with the Sun or a planet. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Comets with greatest aphelion (2 body heliocentric) [ ] The exact furthest distance from the Sun (aphelion) can be very different depending on the object's position in its orbit, as well as the. An incoming asteroid could be slowed down by Jupiter, making its orbit closer to the Sun.
The aphelion distance for heliocentric orbits (only taking into account the present location of the Sun as the orbited mass) can be highly inaccurate for objects with an approaching 1 (a hyperbolic orbit not bound to the Solar System) especially when the orbit is calculated while the object is near its closest point to the Sun and has not left the planetary region of the Solar System, where it passes closest to planets which could alter its orbit significantly. Barycentric solutions are more accurate because they account for the combined gravity of the Sun and the most massive planet Jupiter. An epoch of 2200 has all of these objects well outside of the planetary region of the Solar System. In 2200, comet C/2012 S4 will be 178 (27 ) from the Sun.
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See also: A large number of (TNOs) – orbiting beyond the orbit of – have been discovered in recent years. Many TNOs have orbits with an aphelion (farthest distance to the Sun) far beyond Neptune's orbit at 30.1. Some of these TNOs with an extreme aphelion are such as, which always reside in the outermost region of the Solar System, while for other TNOs, the extreme aphelion is due to an exceptionally high such as for, which orbits the Sun at a distance between 4.1 (closer than Jupiter) and 2200 AU (70 times farther from the Sun than Neptune). The following is a list of TNOs with the largest aphelion in descending order. Approximate number of minor planets Aphelion in AU Number of minor planets 200–300.
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Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 14 March 2018. • Chebotarev, G.A. (1964), 'Gravitational Spheres of the Major Planets, Moon and Sun', Soviet Astronomy, 7 (5): 618–622,: • ^ • ^ • ^ • output. Retrieved 2011-02-01. (Solution using the Solar System.
Select Ephemeris Type:Elements and Center:@0) • output. Retrieved 2011-03-07. (Solution using the Solar System. Select Ephemeris Type:Elements and Center:@0) • output. Retrieved 2015-09-26.
(Solution using the Solar System. Select Ephemeris Type:Elements and Center:@0) • output (2011-01-30).
Retrieved 2011-01-30. () • output. Retrieved 2011-02-07. (Solution using the Solar System. Select Ephemeris Type:Elements and Center:@0) • output. Retrieved 7 October 2012. (Solution using the Solar System.