Running Man Exo Episode 172 Sub Indo Exo
[스페셜] 현실 형제 케미 '엑소(EXO)'여서 가능한 폭로전♨ 아는 형님(Knowing bros) 159회 - Duration: 6:49. JTBC Entertainment 2,228,612 views. The following Running Man Episode 172 Eng Sub has been released.Kshow123 will always be the first to have the episode so please Bookmark us for update.
November 15, 2013 November 14, 2013 Running Man: Episode 171 by What a dizzying episode. And it’s not just from our sheer number of guests in an hour and a half. Our star guest is in control of our cast’s future from thousands of miles away as they run around bases, build meat towers, and create impromptu food descriptions all while trying to keep clipped words at bay. I may or may not have become an expert on all things Dodgers Stadium by the episode’s end, or maybe it feels like I’m the one who’s spun around the sick chair one too many times.
Broadcast on November 10, 2013. Today’s opening is a mostly recycled version of last week’s super-long intro of Ryu Hyun-jin (LA Dodgers). There are couple of adorable moments at the start, however, like how Gary shoots Ji-hyo cutesy heart baseball signals and Ji-hyo’s flubbed pitch. The cast marvels at the baseball star’s sweet digs, joking that they should have treated him better during his last visit. Then they collectively cringe when Hyun-jin shouts out the corny magical incantation. This time, Hyun-jin’s superpower gives him control of the cast’s future, but mostly it means that he’ll be issuing the missions today. So it’s likely he won’t even show up until much later or possibly even next week.
At least the mission “choices” are straightforward: choose correctly for an easy mission or choose wrong for a hard one. To start, the cast must guess whether Hyun-jin can hula hoop (those bumpy, weighted ones used for exercise) for more than thirty seconds.
Hyun-jin is adorably and hilariously terrible at it in general, and it cracks me up how he dismisses the possibility that his twirling skills are on par with Spartakooks. The cast makes their initial guesses, but when it’s Ji-hyo’s turn, she responds with her trademark mung expression. Ha, I’ve totally missed her blank-faced tendencies when she’s put on the spot. However, the deciding vote falls on her, and they decide on that Hyun-jin can’t do it. Then they’re off to their first mission location.
It’s occurred to me that it really has been a while since we’ve seen our seven castmates riding altogether in one van. Their easygoing ride turns into a frenzy when a rogue bee buzzes around them and they freak out, both worried about the bee and the cameras. Harry potter 1 8 1080p torrent free.